Whether one starts from the analytic S-matrix definition or the requirement of gauge-parameter independence in renormalization theory, a relativistic resonance is given by a pole at a complex value sR of the energy squared s. The complex number sR does not define the mass and the width separately, and the pole definition alone is also not sufficient to describe the interference of two or more Breit-Wigner resonances as observed in experiments. To achieve this and obtain a unified theory of relativistic resonances and decay, we invoke the decaying particle aspect of a resonance and associate to each pole a space of relativistic Gamow kets. The Gamow kets transform irreducibly under causal Poincaré transformations and have an exponential time evolution. Therefore one can choose of the many possible width parameters, the width ΓR of the relativistic resonance such that the lifetime τ = /ΓR. This leads to the parameterization sR = (MR − iΓR/2) 2 and uniquely defines these (MR, ΓR) as the mass and width parameters for a resonance. Further it leads to the following new results: Two poles in the same partial wave are given by the sum of two Breit-Wigner amplitudes and by a superposition of two Gamow vectors with each Gamow vector corresponding to one BreitWigner amplitude. In addition to the sum of Breit-Wigner amplitudes the scattering amplitude contains a background amplitude representing direct production of the final state (contact terms). This contact amplitude is associated to a background vector representing the non-exponential energy continuum, omitting it gives the two interfering exponentials of the Weisskopf-Wigner methods. To accomplish all this required a minor modification in the foundation of quantum theory, which led to a quantum theory that contains the time asymmetry of causality.