The article presents the concept and up to now developed stages of the simulation program for the analysis of dynamic phenomena occurring during the operation of power transmission systems of various means of transport. Currently completed stages of work allow simulation of drive systems with cylindrical gear or planetary gear. The starting points for the implementation of the assumed goal were earlier developed by author considering two independent dynamic models of drive systems with a simple single-stage cylindrical gear and with a planetary gear. Naval and vessel power transmission systems are one example of the fields of application of the developed program. The spread of mechanical propulsion in shipping, which occurred in the nineteenth century, led to different research problems. These include, above all, fuel consumption, which resulted, among others from the efficiency of the entire system. The need to ensure proper performance, avoid unplanned voyage breaks or meet environmental requirements, imposed by increasingly stringent emission standards, results in the search for effective power transmission system solutions and optimization methods for existing ones. One of such methods is dynamic modeling of drive systems, and an example tool that enables the use of this method is the simulation program presented in the article. During development of the concept of the simulation program we admitted the assumption that the model shall enable the determination of dynamic phenomena that occurs in various construction designs of power transmission systems in both-constant and variable conditions of their operation. Thanks to this, the simulation program can be used in two directions of research. The first direction of research is the optimization of newly designed and existing drive systems, and especially the optimization of the construction of toothed gears. It is possible, among others by taking into account the actual, not only assumed, nominal operating conditions. Besides, the dynamic model used by the simulation program allows a wide range of modifications to numerous design features of the system, including the geometry of toothed gear elements. The second direction of research is the development of efficient methods for detecting local damages of system components. Simulation of various combinations of defects in the power transmission system, including damages of gears and bearings, allows also for more effective improvement of present diagnostic algorithms of toothed gears working in power transmission systems of various transport means. Sažetak Članak predstavlja koncept dosadašnje razvojne etape programa simulacije analize dinamičkoga modela, koji se događa za vrijeme sustava prijenosa snage različitih sredstava prijevoza. Sadašnje završene etape rada dopuštaju simulaciju sustava poriva cilindričnom opremom ili planetarnim zupčanikom. Polazišnu točku za implementaciju preuzetoga cilja već je ranije razvio autor koji je uzeo u obzir dva neovisna dinamička modela porivnoga sustava s jednostavnom cilin...