the clustering routing protocol has excellent network scalability and efficient communication efficiency. This paper has a study on the representation of protocol ----LEACH protocol. We have proposed multi-hop clustering routing protocol for the theory of wireless sensor networks. We can use multi-hop relay to save energy as the energy consumption of the edge node in the cluster considered. Because the multi-hop algorithm will increase the energy consumption of the relay node, we make theory formula derivation and simulation for multi-hop cluster in the ideal case and prove the obvious low-power performance. The lifetime of the global network has been significantly improved. It is important to highly use of energy for wireless sensor network.
Keywords-LEACH protocol, multi-hop, the relay node, energy saving2013 Third International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control 978-0-7695-5122-7/13 $26.00 H 5 According to the above formula and formula 1, long distance communication is easy to cause nodes of the cluster edge to die because of energy depletion to affect the network survival time. This paper researches on the cluster multi-hop communication mode which could replace single-hop communication between the distant member nodes and cluster head. It would reduce the communication energy of the cluster edge nodes to balance the network energy consumption, and prolong the network life cycle.