In current state-of-art complex designs, interconnects become the dominant factor affecting the performance of high speed integrated circuits. Signal integrity issues at high frequencies demand a reasonable consideration during early stages of the design cycle. The evaluation of performance of such interconnects often requires solutions to large sets of equations, the computation of which is CPU expensive. The need to improve the computational cost of large systems of equations brought about the development of model order reduction (MOR) techniques. However, MOR techniques by themselves do not consider process and parameter variations that cause inevitable changes in performance at high frequencies. To deal with such performance-accuracy issues, parameterized model order reduction (PMOR) models were introduced. However, there is no significant comparative study of these methods available till today in the literature. In this thesis, a comprehensive comparative analysis is presented for contemporary PMOR techniques considering the detail characteristics of each method. It is a pleasure to express my gratitude to the people who provided support and encouragement for fulfilling the purpose of this thesis and made it enjoyable. In particular, I would like to convey my sincere thanks to my thesis supervisor Professor Pavan Gunupudi for his valuable time of many hours to discuss about the subject matter of this thesis and providing valuable suggestions to complete it. Without his invaluable insight, useful feedback and guided motivation, the completion of this thesis would be very difficult. Professor Gunupudi has been more that a mentor during this work and I will be always in his debt. I would also like to thank my colleagues, especially Behzad Nouri and Mina Farhan for sharing their in depth knowledge and providing me useful information and help at the time of necessity. I also appreciate my family for the contribution that helped me to dedicate my time for this work. The staffs of the Department of Electronics were helpful at the time of necessity and I convey my sincere thanks to them.