The application of structural theory allows to see the same universal construction, called a “model,” applicable to a broad class of modeling areas. Everything in the world is a model in this theory: an agent, a complex of agents, and a complex of complexes. We can say that the widely known formula: “One in all and all in One” is true in this area, as well as the well-known aphorism of H. Poincare: “Mathematics is the art of calling different things by the same name.” The application of geometric theory is the consideration of morphisms of base sets and the assigning invariants that allow a complex system to remain under such morphisms. The proposed language for the complex systems behavior makes it possible to draw several interesting conclusions about the nature of complex open systems, simply due to its means of distinguishing entities. A complex system must sacrifice a part of its power (the most expensive and liquid that it has) to preserve its laws of life (maintain its structure and set of axioms). Otherwise, it will not be able to remain itself. It is interesting to remember that many religions teach that this world stands on the sacrifice.