The background of this research starts from the concern about the threat of radicalism, hatepeech, hoax news that can affect the mindset of millennial generation. The purpose of this study isto rebuild the character of the Indonesian nation in millennial generation in accordance withthe values of Pancasila. The local wisdom of Samin indigenous people (Saminism) has noble values that are in accordance with the values of Pancasila. The research method uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation study. The research location was in Klopo Dhuwur village, Banjarejo District, Blora Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Informant sources in this study include the leaders of the Samin indigenous people, the older generation of the Samin indigenous people, and the millennial generation of the Samin indigenous people. The results showed that Saminism teaches good behavior, honesty, introspective, wise (Jatmiko), responsive in dealing with natural disasters, not hurting others, and very obedient in carrying out worship. This research can be concluded that Saminism is in accordance with the values of Pancasila and can be used as a source of learning in improving the character of the nation in millennial generation.