The lack of reactivity of dinitrogen which complicates its chemical conversion has been a challenge to chemists for many decades. [1,2] This difficulty is based on the extreme stability of the nitrogen-nitrogen triple bond. The huge energy difference between HOMO and LUMO (23 eV) makes N 2 rather redox inert. Moreover, the conversion of N 2 into simple species, such as ammonia or nitride, requires the transfer of six electrons. Such multi-electron transfer processes are generally associated with large activation barriers. Nevertheless, the reduction of N 2 to NH 3 occurs in nature through the utilization of the enzyme nitrogenase as catalyst. This conversion also takes place in the Haber-Bosch process, however, extreme conditions are required. Accordingly, it is of considerable interest to accomplish this reaction at ambient conditions. In principle, catalysis can be replaced by a photochemical procedure. The activation energy is then supplied by light. In favorable cases the photoactivation is selective and avoids interfering processes. Moreover, light may not only provide the activation energy but also the energy for an endothermic reaction which does not occur in catalysis at lower temperatures.In this context, it should be emphasized that some photochemical studies of binuclear N 2 -bridged complexes have been reported before. [3,4] However, in these cases N 2 is present in a reduced form containing a N À N double bond instead of a triple bond. This feature considerably facilitates the splitting of the N 2 ligand and may even take place thermally.[4] In contrast, the reductive splitting of the NÀN triple bond in a molecular complex is certainly much more difficult to achieve (see below), and has not yet been accomplished, neither thermally nor photochemically.Accordingly, we decided to examine a binuclear complex with a bridging N 2 ligand which largely preserves its integrity as a free dinitrogen molecule. This complex offers several attractive features. It is easily accessible and rather stable in aqueous solution in the absence of light. Owing to the intense color of I its disappearance can be precisely monitored. Although it is a mixed-valence system with considerable electronic delocalization between both metal centers, the triple bond of free N 2 is also present in the coordinated state as indicated by vibrational spectroscopy. Finally, the splitting of N 2 in the complex can be anticipated to proceed by a simple intramolecular redox reaction which produces only one excess electron that can lead to complications [Eq. (1)].The expected photoproduct [Os(NH 3 ) 4 N] 3+ is also quite stable and well characterized. [7][8][9] In this context, it should be stressed that the reverse reaction has been observed as photochemical [8,9] and thermal [10,11] process. It is clearly easy to couple two nitride complexes containing the Os VI N j moiety to give a binuclear N 2 complex owing to the extreme stability of the resulting NÀN triple bond.The irradiation of I (absorption spectrum: [5] l max = 700 nm (e = 4000 m ...