Long considered inert toward radicals, esters are now known to have a rich and interesting spectrum of free-radical chemistry. The purpose of this chapter is to highlight this reactivity and its applications, real and potential, in synthetic organic chemistry. Application and mechanism are intimately linked and it is therefore necessary to begin by placing the very broad spectrum of reactivity within as comprehensive a mechanistic framework as possible, which should provide a solid basis for further rational development of the area. The subject was comprehensively reviewed in 1997 [ I] and the reader is referred to that article for a detailed discussion of the early development of the field as well as for a complete listing of kinetic parameters available at the time. In the meantime, however, there have been major developments, particularly with regard to mechanism, and a brief recapitulation is needed in order that they may be fully appreciated. Kinetic parameters that have appeared since 1997 are to be found in articles by Crich and Newcomb [2-41; illustrative rate constants are given, whenever available, in the Schemes below.
MechanismThe mechanism of the p-( phosphatoxy)alkyl and /I-(acy1oxy)alkyl rearrangements and their less well known but closely related cousins, the /?-(su1fatoxy)alkyl and pnitroxyalkyl rearrangements, has long presented a conundrum to workers in the field [ 11. Instances of reactions proceeding via pure 2,3-shifts [ I ] and pure 1,2-shifts [5] are known as are apparent mixed mechanisms, leading to the suggestion [ 11 that 5-center-5-electron and 3-center-3-electron concerted pathways both exist, with the precise selection for a particular example being a function of substituent effects and solvent. However, the possibility that all rearrangements occurred via a rapid radical ionic fragmentation, to give an alkene radical cation and a carboxylate or phosphate counter ion followed by rapid recombination, advocated by Sprecher [6],
Radicals in Organic Synthesis Edited