Abstract*The e}ect of stimulus intensity "sound pressure level\ SPL# of auditory stimuli on the BOLD response in the auditory cortex was investigated in 03 young and healthy subjects\ with no hearing abnormalities\ using echo!planar\ functional magnetic resonance imaging "fMRI# during a verbal and a non!verbal auditory discrimination task[ The stimuli were presented block!wise at three di}erent intensities] 84\ 74 and 64 dB "SPL#[ All subjects showed fMRI signal increases in superior temporal gyrus "STG# covering primary and secondary auditory cortex[ Most importantly\ the spatial extent of the fMRI response in STG increased with increasing stimulus intensity[ It is hypothesized that spreading of excitation is associated with the encoding of increasing stimulus intensity levels[ In addition\ we found bifrontal activation supposedly evoked by the auditory!articulary loop of working memory[ The results presented here should assist in the design of optimal activation strategies for studying the auditory cortex with fMRI paradigms and may help in understanding intensity coding of auditory stimuli[ Þ 0887 Elsevier Science Ltd[ All rights reserved[Key Words] cerebral blood~ow^auditory cortex^functional imaging^acoustic perception^temporal lobe^magnetic resonance imaging^functional magnetic resonance imaging[