Imperfections and uncertainties in forecast models are often represented in ensemble prediction systems by stochastic spatio-temporal perturbations of model equations. A new technique for this purpose termed Additive Model-uncertainty perturbations scaled by Physical Tendencies (AMPT) is proposed in this article. AMPT employs the previously developed Stochastic Pattern Generator (Tsyrulnikov and Gayfulin, 2017) to generate pseudo-random space and time correlated 4D perturbation fields. The perturbations are independent for different model variables and scaled by the local-area averaged modulus of physical tendency in the respective model variable. AMPT attempts to address weak points of the popular model perturbation scheme known as Stochastically Perturbed Parametrization Tendencies (SPPT). AMPT is capable of producing non-zero perturbations even at grid points where physical tendency is zero and avoids perfect correlations in the perturbation fields in the vertical and between different variables. Due to the non-local link from physical tendency to the local perturbation magnitude, AMPT can generate significantly greater perturbations than SPPT without causing instabilities. Relationships between biases and spreads caused by AMPT and SPPT were studied in an ensemble of forecasts. The non-hydrostatic, convection permitting forecast model COSMO was used. In ensemble prediction experiments, AMPT perturbations led to statistically significant improvements (as compared to SPPT) in probabilistic performance scores such as spread-skill relationship, CRPS, Brier Score, and ROC area for near-surface temperature, and mixed scores for precipitation.