“…Using daily data, as opposed to monthly or annual, as input to our model allowed us to train the ML model on a wider range of values (including extremes) for the independent variables. Based on conceptual knowledge and previous evaluations of FCH 4 predictors at these sites (Knox et al.,
2021; Ueyama et al.,
2023), we selected the six following predictors from the MERRA‐2 dataset: Mean daily surface air temperature (Tair; °C), daily precipitation (prec; mm/day), longwave (LW) radiation fluxes (lwrd; W/m 2 ), incoming shortwave (SW) radiation fluxes (swrd; W/m 2 ), wind speed (computed from 2‐meter eastward wind ( Ugrd ) and 2‐meter northward wind ( Vgrd ); m/s), and atmospheric surface pressure (pres; PA). Wind speed ( WS ) was computed as: