This paper presents a BIST design for CCD-based digital imaging system. Pixels on a CCD are notfreefrom defective orfaulty pixels due to numerous causes such as imperfectfabrication, excessive exposure to light, radiation, sensing element aging, and excessive mechanical shock, to mention a few. Today's high demandfor highresolution CCDs is dictating defectlfault-tolerance in such devices. Especially, traditional on-device BIST cannot be readily employed on the imaging devices such as CCD due to the unique requirement that no pixel can be utilized to repair or bypass a defect on any other pixels. Therefore, the BIST technique designed and simulated in this paper is a technique to test and repair the defects on pixels off the device, referred to as off-device tolerance. The basic idea was proposed in our previous work in [2] where the off-device defectlfault tolerance was investigated and a soft-testlrepair technique was theoretically proposed in order to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness in terms ofreliability, referred to as virtual yield. A Verilogbased design and simulation is provided to demonstrate the validity of the off-device soft-testlrepair in terms ofreliability (or virtual yield) enhancement andperformance.