A h f i u c f 4 u l t i p h m c interleaving technology allows signiticant reduction on current ripple and fdter &E, and thus is well meived in power electronics industry. Conventional interleaved control signals are generated by multiple RC timing circuits, which are synchronized externally to obtain pbme shift between two adjacent pb= kcaugc of the variation of RC component values, the unbalance between phases is unavoidable. In this paper, the use of digital FIFO circuit as E phase-shifter is proposed. It inherently benefits from the advnntnge of digital circuit accuracy and stability, and snvea a lot of efforts on synchronizing multiple timing signnl sources. The principle of such phase-shifter is explained, and the method of applying FIFO phase-shifter for converter interluved control is depicted. A design example is shown for 1 fphase &leg converter control. The hardware test and experimental results verify the effcctiventa of such digital FIFO circuit in the power converter controller design.
Keywonkphamshifi; mliiphuw, "W!er, dddc c o n w ,
rhree-phme interlemd
Jorgen Arendt Jenscn, "Implementation of Ultrasound TimedomainCmss-eorrelation Blood Velocity Estimator", IEEE TrmLFoctioru an