This paper deals with the effect of selected cutting parameter values in machining of OCHN3MFA steel on AFM and SEM microstructural analysis, cutting forces, nanohardness, 2D and 3D surface roughness, and material removal rate of surface layers after machining. OCHN3MFA steel was selected and used to perform experiments. Firstly, the selected steel was investigated before machining tests, due to the checking of the initial microstructure and chemical composition. The microstructure was performed on the Tescan Vega TS 5135 scanning electron microscope (SEM) with the X-ray microanalyzer Noran Six/300, and the Oxford Instruments MFP-3D Infinity atomic force microscope (AFM). Chemical composition was analyzed on Tasman Q4 surface analyzer. All machining tests of the used samples were performed under the selected cutting parameters in the SU 50A lathe machine tool with the CNMG 120408-M5 cementite carbide cutting insert clamped in the suitable DCLNR 2525M12-M cutting tool holder. During the machining process of testing samples, individual components of cutting forces were measured on a Kistler 9257B piezoelectric dynamometer with their subsequent evaluation using software Dynoware. Other experiments following the machining process were performed, evaluating the effect of selected cutting parameters on surface hardening. Surface hardening after machining of testing samples was subsequently measured on Hysitron TI950 Triboindenter with a Cube Corner measuring tip and evaluated by software Triboscan. 2D and 3D surface roughness and material removal rate (MRR) were finally performed on Talysurf CCI Lite and evaluated by software TalyMap Platinum.