Due to the increasing variety of products, the complexity in the development of technical systems is growing more and more. Accordingly, the management of system variants is a central aspect in the investigation of multifaceted systems with methods of Modeling and Simulation (M&S). If the systems under investigation are modular-hierarchical, the System Entity Structure (SES)/Model Base (MB) framework is an adequate and established approach to variant management in M&S. This approach is based on a strict separation of system variants or system structures on the one hand and reusable and parameterizable basic components on the other hand. Different system structures, system variants, as well as different system parameterizations are called system configurations. While system configurations are represented in an SES, basic components of models are organized in an MB. The SES is a special tree structure and the basic components represent dynamic systems with defined input and output interfaces. The general SES/MB approach describes the SES as an ontology for cross-domain and simulator-independent specification of system configurations. The cross-domain nature of the SES is confirmed by a large number of practical applications. Previous software implementations of the SES/MB framework show that the organization of the MB in this respect is always simulator-specific. Furthermore, implementations of the SES/MB framework also exhibit simulator dependencies in SES, namely in referencing and parameterizing basic components of an MB. These limitations are not of concern if only one specific M&S environment is used. However, this work aims to overcome this limitation and support a model generation independent of an M&S environment.Complex and multifaceted systems, such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), consist of components from different technical domains. Components are modeled and simulated with different and often domain-specific M&S environments. To generate an overall system model, components in the MB must be organized for different M&S environments. Furthermore, the specification of system configurations in the SES must also be truly simulator-independent.