Contact analysis a b s t r a c tIntricate relationships between mechanical and electrochemical degradation aspects likely affect the durability of solid oxide fuel cell stacks. This study presents a modelling framework that combines thermo-electrochemical models including degradation and a contact thermo-mechanical model that considers rate-independent plasticity and creep of the components materials and the shrinkage of the nickel-based anode during thermal
IntroductionThe end of operation of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) stack ultimately occurs due to the loss of structural integrity of one or several of the cells, as highlighted by several short-stack experiments, e.g [1e4]. We believe this is the result of the accumulation during operation, of physico-chemical alterations inducing a weakening of the materials and interfaces, of plastic and creep deformations, and of the modification of the temperature profile, due to the degradation of the electrochemical performance of the cells. Mechanical issues do not, however, exclusively occur after prolonged use. Inappropriate control during start-up and shut-down and/or following of the electrical power demand, harsh characterisation procedures and thermal cycling can induce discrete failures [5,6]. Despite the evidence of mechanical issues in SOFCs, which are experienced even during laboratory button cell tests, this topic is still receiving limited attention. Efforts are seen as standalone tasks, owing to the different experimental and modelling techniques that are required to gather the essential information, whereas mechanical failures in SOFCs are likely intricately related to chemical and electrochemical aspects.The central component in a stack is the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). As for any multilayered system made of brittle materials, the MEA is prone to failures related to residual * Corresponding author. Tel.: ĂŸ41 21 693 35 05.E-mail address: (A. Nakajo).Available online at journal h om epa ge: www.elsev i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 7 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 9 2 6 9 e9 2 8 6