The increase in population from year to year causes the need for improvements in facilities and infrastructures. The number of new buildings causes the area that was intended as a water catchment to turn into watertight areas so there is an increase in the amount of surface runoff. An understanding of the processes and factors that influence runoff is needed as a reference for more effective water management and land use. The purpose of this study is to map areas that have the potential to experience surface runoff and determine the level of vulnerability of surface runoff occurred in Batam. This study employed overlay and scoring of the parameters of surface runoff as the method. There are four parameters of surface runoff used, which are land use, soil type, rainfall, and slope. The level of surface runoff vulnerability is categorized into five classes, which are not vulnerable, less vulnerable, moderate, vulnerable, and highly vulnerable. The results showed that 52.57% area in Batam (18,176.39 ha) has a moderate level of surface runoff vulnerability. The areas that have the greatest potential and are the most vulnerable include Batam Center, Lubuk Baja, Nongsa, and Sungai Beduk. Areas categorized as not vulnerable and less vulnerable include northeast Sungai Beduk, south Nongsa, south Sekupang, north Sekupang, some areas in Batu Aji, as well as some areas in Sagulung.