The quality fit produce by distribution function such as the Weibull depends to an extent the type of estimator used to derive its parameters. Inappropriate choice of estimator could affect management decision. Though several estimators have been developed for the Weibull function, their application to forestry have been relatively few. Therefore, this study evaluated ten estimators of the Weibull parameters using tree diameter data from five production forest plantations in Nigeria. The estimators were generalized least type I and type II, L-moment, moments, maximum likelihood, percentiles, rank correlation, least squares, U-statistics and weighted least squares. The quality of fits of the Weibull function were evaluated with Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, Cramervon Mises, Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion. Relative rank sum from the evaluation statistics of the methods was analysed using One-way analysis of variance. The results showed that weighted least square had the smallest statistics and relative rank, but not significantly different from L-moment, moments and maximum likelihood (p > 0.05). The performances of least squares, generalized least type I and type II, percentiles and U-statistics were relatively poor. Thus, either the weighted least squares, moments-based or MLE could be used for the Weibull function in the diameter distribution of forest stands in Nigeria.