Ecosystems are experiencing elevated levels of disturbance, and species with narrower niches are often more vulnerable to disturbances. Niche breadth is often measured in terms of either diet or habitat use but diet and spatial use are infrequently considered in tandem. These different aspects of niche breadth potentially expose species to different types of disturbances; species with narrow dietary niches may be more affected by disturbances that alter trophic relationships, while species with narrow habitat niches may be more vulnerable to habitat loss and point-source pollutants. We examined dietary and habitat niche breadth of common bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus truncatus, from three different nearshore sites in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Using stable isotopes, we determined proportional contributions of different prey groups to dolphin diets at each site and through time at one site. We used satellite-linked telemetry at two sites to determine habitat use and site fidelity. Additionally, we examined the literature on cetacean diet, habitat use, movement, and IUCN status to determine relationships between niche breadth and population status for different species. Dolphin diets varied among sites as available prey varied, but Perciformes fish were the most frequently consumed prey. At the site for which we had temporal data, dolphins consumed more cephalopods in 2015 and 2018 but otherwise consumed primarily Perciformes fish. Dolphins had small utilization distributions and exhibited high site fidelity. Data from 31 cetacean species revealed that most species with vulnerable, threatened, or endangered IUCN statuses not only have specialized diets but also exhibit high site fidelity. Dolphins had diet characteristic of flexible generalists but were habitat specialists with high site fidelity. Dolphin populations in the GoM may have altered their diets in response to environmental changes that have altered community composition and trophic dynamics. On the other hand, their high site fidelity has exposed them to point-source pollutants, such as oil spills, persistent organic pollutants, and freshwater. Our broader analysis of cetaceans confirmed that species with specialized diets and high site fidelity were the most vulnerable to disturbances, providing a framework to predict which nearshore dolphin populations, and cetaceans in general, are most vulnerable to environmental changes.