Numerous disease modifying drugs for osteoarthritis (DMOADs) are under investigation. However, patients’ preferences for drugs to prevent progression of OA are not known. The objective of this study was to quantify patient preferences for potential DMOADs.
We administered a conjoint analysis survey to 304 patients attending outpatient general medicine and specialty clinics. All patients seated in the waiting rooms were asked if they would participate in a survey to elicit opinions about arthritis treatments. We performed simulations to estimate preferences for four options to prevent worsening of knee OA: Best Case (pill, highest benefit, lowest risk, lowest cost), Worst Case (infusion, lowest benefit, highest risk, highest cost), Moderate Subcutaneous Injection (injection, lowest benefit, mid-level risk, mid-level cost), and Moderate Infusion (same as previous except administered by infusion).
Subjects’ median age was 57 years; 55% were female and 69% were Caucasian. Segmentation analyses revealed 4 patterns of preferences. A small minority (5%) who do not want to perform subcutaneous injections and will only consider DMOADs under the Best-Case scenario. Approximately 20% are risk sensitive and are willing to take DMOADs under the Best-Case scenario, but start rejecting these medications as risk increases. A significant number reject DMOADs under all conditions (16.4%); however, the largest segment (59.2%) has a strong preference for DMOADs across all scenarios.
Our results suggest that a significant percent of a non-selected outpatient population might be willing to accept at least a moderate degree of risk in order to prevent worsening knee OA.