ionizable groups in proteins often play important structural
and functional roles. However, it is generally challenging to study
the detailed molecular mechanisms solely based on experimental measurements.
Free energy calculations using atomistic simulations, on the other
hand, complement experimental studies and can provide high temporal
and spatial resolution information that can lead to mechanistic insights.
Nevertheless, it is also well recognized that sufficient sampling
of such atomistic simulations can be challenging, considering that
structural changes related to the buried charges may be very slow.
In the present study, we describe a simple but effective enhanced
sampling technique called replica exchange with charge tempering (REChgT)
with a novel free energy method, multisite λ dynamics (MSλD),
to study two systems containing buried charges, pK
a prediction of a small molecule, orotate, in complex
with the dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, and relative stability of a
Glu–Lys pair buried in the hydrophobic core of two variants
of Staphylococcal nuclease. Compared to the original MSλD simulations,
the usage of REChgT dramatically increases sampling in both conformational
and alchemical spaces, which directly translates into a significant
reduction of wall time to converge the free energy calculations. This
study highlights the importance of sufficient sampling toward developing
improved free energy methods.