amphipathic nature of the lipid molecule (hydrophilic head
and hydrophobic tails) enables it to act as a barrier between fluids
with various properties and to sustain an environment where the processes
critical to life may proceed. While computer simulations of biomolecules
primarily investigate protein conformation and binding to drug-like
molecules, these interactions often occur in the context of a lipid
membrane. Chemical specificity of lipid models is essential to accurately
represent the complex environment of the lipid membrane. This review
discusses the development and performance of currently used chemically
specific lipid force fields (FF) such as the CHARMM, AMBER, GROMOS,
OPLS, and MARTINI families. Considerations in lipid FF development
including lipid diversity, temperature dependence, phase behavior,
and effects of atomic polarizability are considered, as well as methods
and goals of parametrization. Applications of these FFs to complex
and diverse models for cellular membranes are summarized. Lastly,
areas for future development, such as efficient inclusion of long-range
Lennard–Jones interactions (significant in transitions from
polar to apolar media), accurate transmembrane dipole potential, and
diffusion under periodic boundary conditions are considered.