Biochemical systems theory (BST) is the foundation for a set of analytical andmodeling tools that facilitate the analysis of dynamic biological systems. is paper depicts major developments in BST up to the current state of the art in 2012. It discusses its rationale, describes the typical strategies and methods of designing, diagnosing, analyzing, and utilizing BST models, and reviews areas of application. e paper is intended as a guide for investigators entering the fascinating �eld of biological systems analysis and as a resource for practitioners and experts.
PreambleBiochemical systems theory (BST) is a mathematical and computational framework for analyzing and simulating systems. It was originally developed for biochemical pathways but by now has become much more widely applied to systems throughout biology and beyond. BST is called "canonical, " which means that model construction, diagnosis, and analysis follow stringent rules, which will be discussed throughout this paper. e key ingredient of BST is the power-law representation of all processes in a system.BST has been the focus of a number of books [1-6], including some in Chinese and Japanese [7][8][9]. e most detailed modern text dedicated speci�cally to BST is [3]. Moreover, since its inception, numerous reviews have portrayed the evolving state of the art in BST. Most of these reviews summarized methodological advances for the analysis of biochemical pathway systems . Others compared BST models with alternative modeling frameworks [32,[51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63]; some of these comparisons will be discussed later. Yet other reviews focused on specialty areas, such as customized methods for optimizing BST models (e.g., [64][65][66][67]) or estimating their parameters (e.g., [68][69][70][71][72]), strategies for discovering design and operating principles in natural system (e.g., [73][74][75][76][77][78]), and even the use of BST models in statistics [79][80][81]. A historical account of the �rst twenty years of BST was presented in [82].Supporting the methodological developments in the �eld, several soware packages were developed for different aspects of BST analysis. e earliest was ESSYNS [83][84][85], which supported all standard steady-state analyses and also contained a numerical solver that, at the time, was many times faster than any off-the-shelf soware [86,87]; see also [88]. Utilizing advances in computing and an extension of the solver from ESSYNS, Ferreira created the very user-friendly package PLAS, which is openly available and still very widely used [89] (see also [3]). Yamada and colleagues developed soware to translate E-cell models into BST models in PLAS format [90]. Okamoto's group created the soware BestKit, which permits the graphical design and translation of models, along with their analysis [91][92][93]. Vera and colleagues developed the soware tool PLMaddon for analyzing BST models within SBML [94]; see also [95]. It expands the Matlab SBToolbox with speci�c functionalities for power-law repr...