A key feature of directed cell movement is the ability of cells to reorient quickly in response to changes in the direction of an extracellular stimulus. Mathematical models have suggested quite different regulatory mechanisms to explain reorientation, raising the question of how we can validate these models in a rigorous way. In this study, we fit three reaction-diffusion models to experimental data of Dictyostelium amoebae reorienting in response to alternating gradients of mechanical shear flow. The experimental readouts we use to fit are spatio-temporal distributions of a fluorescent reporter for cortical F-actin labeling the cell front. Experiments performed under different conditions are fitted simultaneously to challenge the models with different types of cellular dynamics. Although the model proposed by Otsuji is unable to provide a satisfactory fit, those suggested by Meinhardt and Levchenko fit equally well. Further, we show that reduction of the three-variable Meinhardt model to a two-variable model also provides an excellent fit, but has the advantage of all parameters being uniquely identifiable. Our work demonstrates that model selection and identifiability analysis, commonly applied to temporal dynamics problems in systems biology, can be a powerful tool when extended to spatiotemporal imaging data. V C 2014 The Authors. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Key terms cell reorientation; Dictyostelium; actin; image based model fitting; spatio-temporal pattern formation; fluorescence microscopy; identifiability analysis DIRECTED cell motion is based on three functional modules (i) the formation of cellular protrusions driven by polymerization of actin, (ii) a mechanism to sense extracellular signals, for example, a gradient of chemoattractant, and direct protrusions to the cell front, and (iii) polarization, which is the establishment of a frontrear axis, whereby myosin-II mediates retraction of the cell rear (1-3). The modular design of cell motility has resulted in it becoming a paradigm of systems biology. In particular, how these modules are integrated to allow cells to navigate in rapidly changing environments has become a focus of theoretical and computational research.Most models employ a Turing-like (4) local-excitation global-inhibition mechanism, whereby the stronger stimulation of the up-gradient cell end results in local autocatalytic activation of the cell front. At the same time, a fast propagating inhibitory mechanism renders the cell rear unresponsive to stimulation. The theory of reaction-diffusion models is well established and Meinhardt first implemented a model for cell reorientation on a circular domain to study how cells could regain sensitivity at the rear and thus are able to respond to changes in direction of a signaling gradient (5). Most recently, several groups have coupled the Meinhardt model with biophysical models of deformable contours to simulate the deformation and movement of cells in response to a signal gradient (6-8). Other models have been proposed to ad...