Abstract. Based on the observational data of the groundwater depth between 1993 and 2013, this paper analyzes the spatial-temporal evolution characteristics and trends of groundwater level in the People's Victory Canal Irrigation District of China by using the ARCGIS and SPSS platform and the methods including Kriging, IDW interpolation method and Spearman rank correlation analysis. Research results show that: the groundwater level overall displays an inter-annual declining trend and the areas of declining water level are gradually increasing, which constantly increases the accumulated declining range of water level. Compared with the groundwater level in 1993, the areas of declining water level increase from 1483km 2 in 2000 to 1824km 2 in 2013. In 2000 and 2005, the maximum declining range of the groundwater level is 0~2m and they account for 53.01% and 69.12% of the total area respectively, while the situation changes between 2010 and 2013: The 2~4 m declining range has replaced the dwindling 0~2m area as the main trend and the declining ranges increase to 60.05% and 59.38% of the total area respectively. 55% of the total observational sites display a dramatic decline in the groundwater level, 47% of which shows a highly dramatic decline. Areas of rising water level are sporadically distributed in the southwestern part of the irrigation area and the remaining 43% of observational sites show few signs of fall or rise in the groundwater level.