In this work, the nonlinear hydrodynamics of a three-dimensional multicomponent vesicle in shear flow are explored. Using a volume- and area-conserving projection method coupled to a gradient-augmented level set and surface phase field method, the dynamics are systematically studied as a function of the membrane bending rigidity difference between the components, the speed of diffusion compared to the underlying shear flow, and the strength of the phase domain energy compared to the bending energy. Using a pre-segregated vesicle, three dynamics are observed: stationary phase, phase-treading, and a new dynamic called vertical banding. These regimes are very sensitive to the strength of the domain line energy, as the vertical banding regime is not observed when the line energy is larger than the bending energy. The findings demonstrate that a complete understanding of multicomponent vesicle dynamics requires that the full three-dimensional system be modeled, and show the complexity obtained when considering heterogeneous material properties.