Li-Fi technology faces a critical challenge in achieving line-of-sight (LOS) connectivity while also optimizing bandwidth efficiency for high-speed data transmission. To address these issues, this research introduces a channel multiplexing model for Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) communication, employing movable LED panels. The study evaluates the model's performance by varying channel number, transmitter half-angle values, and field of view (FOV) parameters over a 3 to 5-meter transmission range. Results demonstrate that the proposed Light Fidelity indoor multiplexing model excels with an inter-channel spacing of 25 nm, particularly for Mux 2x2 and Mux 4x4 schemes. Longer-wavelength channels exhibit lower bit error rates (BER) and superior Q-factor values compared to others. Reliable performance within the 3 to 5-meter range is achieved with transmitter half-angle values of 30 0 and 45 0 , enhanced by adopting a higher Lambertian order value (m>1) to ensure signal quality with a superior signal-tonoise ratio (SNR). Additionally, employing a FOV of 30 0 solely complies with the optical communication standard (BER < 10-12) for distances spanning 3 to 5 meters.