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ABSTRACT (Maxiumum 200 words)The research used parallelized computational fluid dynamics methods to make high fidelity simulations of thermo-chemical nonequilibrium flows in rocket motor plumes. This work had two main topics: recent thermal radiative emission experimental data from an Atlas launch were analyzed using a thermo-chemical model with finite-rate internal energy relaxation and chemical reactions. In addition, a detailed analysis of high-temperature flow fields were performed using a vibrational and electronic state-specific excitation model. The simulation results were then used to compute the ultraviolet and infrared radiation emitted from the high-temperature flows to compare with the recent measurements.
03714. SUBJECT TERMS The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy, or decision, unless so designated by other documentation.
ARO Final Report
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM STUDIEDThe research used parallelized computational fluid dynamics methods to make high fidelity simulations of thermo-chemical nonequilibrium flows in rocket motor plumes. This work had two main topics: recent thermal radiative emission experimental data from an Atlas launch were analyzed using a thermo-chemical model with finite-rate internal energy relaxation and chemical reactions. In addition, a detailed analysis of high-temperature flow fields were performed using a vibrational and electronic state-specific excitation model. The simulation results were then used to compute the ultraviolet and infrared radiation emitted from the high-temperature flows to compare with the recent measurements.
SUMMARY OF MOST IMPORTANT RESULTSThis report summarizes the results of this study, with most focus on the analysis of the Atlas II motor plumes. Additional information may be found in the papers cited and in the recent Ph.D. thesis written by Dr. Krishnendu Sinha [1].To summarize this work, the most important findings were: