The origin and development of e-learning methods in Russia and other countries is due to steady progress in the field of information and communication technologies and the general informatization of the educational process, the creation of a global environment for the mutual integration of cultures and disciplines, as well as the establishment of continuing open-ended education that underlies post-industrial (information) society. Under the influence of these processes, there is a need for new, more advanced educational practices, which is the reason for the transformation of both the essence of national education and its formal side. Nowadays, a person should possess not only a certain amount of useful information, but also the ability to learn: search and find the necessary information, use various sources to get out of difficult situations, continuously expand the range of one’s own competencies, and constantly develop, keeping up with what is happening around. In the framework of the modern educational paradigm, the student is considered as a subject of knowledge, and not an object of pedagogical influence. In the early to mid2010s, active contribution to this is made by e-learning (electronic learning, e-learning), which must be used in educational institutions of various types and at different levels of the educational vertical. It makes it possible to integrate into the global scientific community, to become subjects of the interaction of cultures, including the exchange of spiritual values. The introduction of e-learning is one of the key tasks in the context of the modernization of national education. The term «electronic learning» is transmitted into Russian in various ways. The most popular options are: “distance learning / education”, “mobile learning”, “virtual learning”. The European Commission interprets “e-learning” as “the use of new multimedia and Internet technologies to improve the quality of education by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration”. In this study, the term “e-learning” will correspond to the phrase “electronic learning”. This is a learning process based on interactive electronic means of storing and providing information: the Internet, corporate networks, and CD-ROMs.