To obtain an intrinsic rate constant from particle combustion data measured in a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), effects of oxygen diffusion should be considered for certain reaction conditions. In such situations, the observed combustion rate would be lower than the maximum rate that would be controlled by reaction kinetics. In this study, a mathematical model was formulated to quantify the influences of three diffusion processes in terms of an effectiveness factor, which is expressed primarily by a diffusion Thiele modulus. The system of nonlinear equations was numerically solved with combustion rate obtained from TGA data to obtain an intrinsic rate constant. The results showed that intraparticle and interparticle diffusion can be neglected for overall combustion occurring over temperatures ranging from 500 to 700 °C while other parameters remain constant. However, the effectiveness factor for external film diffusion changed significantly as a function of temperature, particularly at 700 °C, which becomes a rate-controlling process that must be considered when determining the intrinsic rate constant. In addition, as sample load increases, the effect on the combustion rate from interparticle diffusion becomes as important as external diffusion. A change in packing density, thereby affecting the porosity and turtousity of the particle bed, which influences molecular diffusivity, did not affect interparticle diffusion greatly. The results provide guidance on the optimal selection of initial sample load and packing density in a TGA measurement where ones seek to avoid diffusion processes so as to simplify kinetic analysis of the combustion rate.