This study has been undertaken to investigate the effect of different membrane separation processes (nanofiltration, nanofiltration with diafiltration, and ultrafiltration) on the content of macro-and microelements in acid whey from tvarog cheese (white cheese) production and on bioavailability of calcium and phosphorus in rats' diets with 20 or 40% content of spray dried whey. The use of nanofiltration and ultrafiltration processes in whey concentration did not cause differences in the content of Ca, Mg, P, Fe, nor Zn in the end product. Compared to nanofiltration and ultrafiltration, the introduction of diafiltration to the nanofiltration process was observed to reduce the content of Ca from over 14 to less than 10 mg g -1 , and that of phosphorus from 8.3 and 7.4 to 5.9 mg g -1 , although the biggest reduction was noted in the content of monovalent Na and K. The changes in the mineral composition of whey did not affect coefficients of Ca bioavailability in diets for rats. By substituting Ca in a standard mineral mixture with a 20% addition of whey concentrate, coefficients of the apparent absorption of this element were increased from 36.4% to 42.8-44.6%, and coefficients of its apparent retention from 33% to 38.5-41.7%. The 40% addition of whey concentrates lowered Ca bioavailability coefficients compared to the diets with the 20% whey concentrate content, but not in respect of the control diet. The application of nanofiltration with diafiltration for whey concentration deteriorated phosphorus ab-116 sorption from the diet with 40% of whey, which was indicated by decreased values of the apparent retention coefficient and absolute retention of P in the body of rats within 5 days, i.e. from 35.2 to 18.5% and from 98.8 to 64.5 mg, respectively, compared to the control diet.Abstrakt W pracy analizowano wp³yw ró¿nych procesów separacji membranowej (nanofiltracji, nanofiltracji z diafiltracj¹ i ultrafiltracji) na zawartooeae makro-i mikroelementów w kwasowej serwatce potwarogowej oraz biodostêpnooeae wapnia i fosforu w dietach szczurów z 20 lub 40% zawartooeci¹ suszonej serwatki. Zastosowanie nanoflitracji i ultrafiltracji w procesie zagêszczania serwatki nie zró¿nicowa³o zawartooeci Ca, Mg, P, Fe i Zn w produkcie koñcowym. W porównaniu z nanofiltracj¹ i ultrafiltracj¹, zastosowanie diafiltracji przy nanofiltracji zredukowa³o zawartooeae Ca z ponad 14 do poni¿ej 10 mg g -1 , a fosforu z 8.3 i 7.4 do 5.9 mg g -1 , a najbardziej zmala³a zawartooeae jednowartooeciowych Na i K. Odnotowane zmiany w sk³adzie mineralnym serwatki nie wp³ynê³y na wskaŸniki biodostêpnooeci Ca w dietach szczurów. Zast¹pienie Ca ze standardowej mieszanki mineralnej 20% dodatkiem koncentratu serwatki kwasowej wp³ynê³o na zwiêkszenie wspó³czynników absorpcji pozornej tego pierwiastka z 36.4% do 42.8-44.6%, a wspó³czynnika retencji pozornej z 33% do 38.5--41.7%. Dodatek 40% pogorszy³ wskaŸniki biodostêpnooeci Ca w stosunku do diet z 20% udzia³em koncentratu serwatki, jednak¿e nie w stosunku do diety kontrolnej. Zastosowanie nanoflitracji z diafil...