S arco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca 2ϩ -ATPases (SERCAs) are 110-kDa membrane proteins that catalyze the ATPdependent transport of Ca 2ϩ from the cytosol to the lumen of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (1). SERCAs expressed in muscle are regulated by two members of a gene family: phospholamban (PLN) (2, 3) and sarcolipin (SLN) (4-6).PLN is a 52-aa membrane protein that interacts with SERCA molecules to lower their apparent affinity for Ca 2ϩ and inhibit their activity at low, but not at high, Ca 2ϩ concentrations (2, 7). SLN is a 31-aa membrane protein that resembles PLN in these essential inhibitory features (5, 8). The two proteins have similar transmembrane sequences (4, 9) but differ at their C termini, where PLN ends with the sequence Met-Leu-Leu-52 (10), whereas SLN ends with the more hydrophilic sequence, ArgSer-Tyr-Gln-Tyr-31. They also differ at their N termini: phosphorylation of PLN in a well conserved 30-aa cytosolic domain disrupts inhibitory interactions, accounting, in part, for the inotropic response of the heart to adrenergic stimulation (2, 7). The poorly conserved cytosolic sequence of SLN is 7 aa long and is not phosphorylated under normal conditions. A number of physiological studies have demonstrated that PLN is a key regulator of the kinetics of cardiac muscle function (11,12). PLN expression is largely restricted to cardiac, slow-twitch, and smooth muscle, whereas SLN is highly expressed in fasttwitch and, to a lesser extent, in cardiac muscle (4, 13). Nevertheless, both PLN and SLN can inhibit both SERCA1a and SERCA2a with similar characteristics (14). Although PLN exists in both pentameric and monomeric forms, it is generally accepted that the monomer is the inhibitory species (15, 16). When NF-SLN and PLN are coexpressed with SERCA, superinhibition of SERCA activity is observed (5, 8).Sites of interaction between SERCA and PLN have been identified in both cytosolic and transmembrane domains of SERCA and PLN by using cross-linking and mutagenesis (15,(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22). Modeling from high-resolution crystal and NMR structures has identified additional amino acids that interact between PLN domain Ia and the cytosolic domains of SERCA1a and between PLN domains Ib and II and transmembrane helices M2, M4, M6, and M9 in SERCA1a (10,23).In this study, we investigated interaction sites between NF-SLN and SERCA1a, showing that they overlap in important ways with the transmembrane sites of PLN͞SERC1a interaction. We also investigated sites involved in the superinhibition that results when PLN and SLN are coexpressed with SERCA1a or SERCA2a (8). Structural models were developed for the binary SLN͞SERCA1a and ternary PLN͞SLN͞SERCA1a complexes.
Materials and MethodsMaterials. Enzymes for DNA manipulation were obtained from New England Biolabs and Pharmacia. G-Sepharose and a chemiluminescence kit for measurement of coimmunoprecipitation of interacting proteins were purchased from Pierce. FLAG antibody, M2, was purchased from Sigma; the anti-PLN antibody, 1D11, was a gift from Robert Johnson (Me...