Magnetocaloric refrigeration is an integral part of technology and is under constant investigation. In this regard, the characterization of the magnetocaloric materials used is of major concern. In this study, we used different approaches to better understand the mechanisms underlying the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Rh
S mIn Full-Heusler. A physical model is suggested to explain the magnetic interaction within this material. Utilizing the density functional theory, exchange couplings and magnetic phase stability in Rh
SmIn have been attempted as well in order to understand and clarify the various magnetic interactions in this compound. The magnetic and magnetocaloric properties were examined with Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) based on the Ising model. The transition temperature, magnetic entropy change, and relative cooling power (RCP) were computed and found to be in good agreement with experimental evidence. According to the results, Rh
S mIn is a good candidate to be used in magnetic refrigeration applications at high temperature.