Dry deposition in China has not yet been intensively studied even though it constitutes an important pathway for acid deposition. The total deposition was monitored at Tieshanping catchment, a regional remote site in Chongqing City. The dry deposition loads of sulphur, calcium and nitrogen are estimated by using a canopy throughfall approach. The results indicate that the annual dry deposition loads of sulphur and calcium at Tieshanping site are much higher than those measured in forestry areas in other countries, while the dry deposition flux of nitrogen is at a comparable level. The dry deposition loads of sulphur, calcium and nitrogen are all higher than the wet deposition loads. Applying a canopy budget model has proven that the routine, simplified canopy throughfall approach may underestimate the dry deposition flux of nitrogen-containing species.Dry deposition is an important deposition pathway of pollutants, at least equally important to wet deposition. To understand the total deposition of pollutants, China is lack of the systematic studies on the methodologies of dry deposition, measurements of dry deposition velocities as well as the quantification of regional dry depositions. As a consequence, the contribution of dry deposition to total deposition has been seriously uncertain. Secondly, most of the researches on acid deposition in China were performed in urban areas, and the study on regional acid deposition needs to be reinforced. The acid deposition itself is a regional issue, as the abatement of sulphur emissions has been getting more and more stringent in urban areas, the observation of acid deposition at non-urban sites will be essential to understand the trends of acid deposition problem at regional scale.The studies on quantification of total deposition in forestry areas in catchments have been very intensive in the world. Numerous researches estimated the dry deposition fluxes of sulphur and chlorine by using net throughfall approach [1][2][3][4], 1) . The Integrated Forest Program of US estimated the wet and dry deposition of sulphur, nitrogen and other species at 13 forestry observatories by employing the same method [5] . Modified throughfall method and other technologies were also employed in studies of acid deposition in forests, e.g. the valley mass balance method was used in forests in US [6] and lake ecosystem in Sweden [7] to calculate the deposition of sulphur, sodium and chlorine, and the wet and dry depositions of sulphur in the Netherlands were measured at 30 forest areas by throughfall method and estimated by using dry deposition velocities [8] , and the dry depositions of sulphur, nitrogen and calcium in forestry ecosystem in the Netherlands were estimated by canopy budget model [9] .Taking Tieshanping catchment, Chongqing City as the non-urban site, the measurements on wet deposition, throughfall and their chemical compositions together with chemical analysis of gaseous pollutants and PM10 were conducted from 2001 to 2003. The dry depositions of major inorganic species are calcu...