An innovative multiple regression analysis was used to evaluate metal/metalloid contamination in the surface sediments of a coastal lagoon. The concentrations of metals/metalloids were represented as a function of geochemical characteristics of the sediments (fine fraction, concentrations of organic carbon, Ca, Al, Mn) and distances between sampling points. The *Manuscript (clean -no tracked changes) Click here to view linked References effect of distances on the concentrations were negligible for Li, Co, Ni, Ba, V, Cr, and only geochemical variables specific for each element explained its spatial variation. The concentrations of As, Cu, Zn and Pb were influenced by both geochemical and geographical distance variables, the latter representing the anthropogenic influence and the extent of transport of contaminants away from the upstream source. Enrichment of the sediment with Ba, As, Co, Cr and V was determined mainly by enrichment with Mn. The proposed approach is supplementary to the traditional utilization of enrichment factors, and is better suited for systems with anthropogenic influence.