Abstract-A common problem in speech technology is the alignment of representations of text and phonemes, and the learning of a mapping between them that generalizes well to unseen inputs. The state-of-the-art technology appears to be symbolic rule-based systems, which is surprising given the number of neural network systems for text to phoneme mapping that have been developed over the years. This paper explores why that may be the case, and demonstrates that it is possible for neural networks to simultaneously perform text to phoneme alignment and mapping with performance levels at least comparable to the best existing systems.
I. INTRODUCTIONMany speech technology applications rely on having a good mapping from text to phonemes that not only performs perfectly on known words, but also generalizes well to new words, such as previously unseen proper nouns [8].Alignment of the text and phonemes is the first stage of data processing necessary to provide useable training data for many text to phoneme conversion systems, including the most successful symbolic rule-based systems [8,10] and most neural network systems [14,16,17]. The state-of-theart for this alignment process appears to be the rule-based Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm of Damper et al. [9], and data aligned in that way has been employed in the rule-based Pronunciation by Analogy (PbA) system of Damper et al. [8,9] to provide state-of-the-art text to phoneme mappings for English [10].Given the number of neural network based systems that have been developed over the years, it seems surprising that they are not more competitive in this area. One reason is that most of the older neural network models [3,6,14,16] were aimed mainly at modeling psychological data and understanding human language abilities, rather than producing high performance applications for speech technology. They therefore concentrated on producing human-like performance on small-scale empirically testable data-sets rather than large-scale systems useable for real world applications. Moreover, the computational resources required for training such neural networks has prevented scaling them up to larger data-sets. However, computers are now much more powerful, and a simple scalable neural network based approach for dealing with both the alignment and mapping problems has existed in the psychological modelling literature for some time [3,4,5,6], so it is worth exploring what can now be achieved with a neural network approach to this problem.