The dietary requirements for most water-soluble vitamins in homeothermic animals, particularly vitamins utilized in energy-related pathways, are related directly to metabolic rate. As a consequence, vitamin requirements are similar when expressed relative to empirical functions of metabolic body size, e.g. (Wt kg ) 3
⁄4or body surface area. The vitamin requirements for a range of animals are expressed relative to their corresponding rates of basal metabolism. Data for the rates of ascorbic acid production and turnover in animals that produce ascorbic acid are also compared with the ascorbic acid requirements and turnover in humans and guinea pigs, species that require ascorbic acid as a dietary essential. Factors that are most important in dictating the relative need for a given vitamin from a chemical perspective include chemical stability, the relative number of catalytic events that are involved in the process, the nature of the interactions with associated enzymes, and the presence or absence of pathways for partial synthesis or regeneration of the given vitamin. Vitamins that are required daily in millimolar amounts are usually less stable chemically, are involved in numerous reactions, and often exist in tissues as dissociable cofactors. In contrast, vitamins that are required daily in micromolar amounts are involved in fewer reactions and are often covalently bound to the proteins or enzymes for which they serve as cofactors. Development of the preceding concepts allows linkages of relative vitamin requirements to energy utilization and related biochemical and oxidative processes, which can aid in developing a better understanding of the integrative nature of nutritional and biochemical relationships.Keywords: Vitamins, nutrient requirements, metabolic rate, cofactor function.In presentations dealing with vitamin-derived cofactor function and metabolism, interest is enhanced when the information is developed in ways that link vitamin function to nutritional need. Empirical relationships that have evolved from studies of animal energetics can be used to conceptualize similarities between vitamin requirements for common animal species, including humans. Moreover, explanations as to why requirements for individual watersoluble vitamins vary by several orders of magnitude can also be developed as a way of underscoring the importance of chemical stability, the specificity of cofactor protein interactions, relative metabolic needs, and other chemically related parameters.In homeothermic animals, a case may be made that water-soluble vitamin requirements are influenced by the same factors that dictate energy requirements. This perspective comes from the work of Kleiber [1] and Brody [2] and more recently work by Baldwin [3] and Heusner [4,5]. That is, in homeothermic animals, the estimation of relative metabolic rate correlates with metabolic size, when expressed as a function of (Wt kg ) 3 ⁄4 , even for animals whose body weights vary by orders of magnitude (Fig. 1). At ambient temperatures and at rest, most ...