Dr. Fouzia Elbahhar Boukour was born in 1975. She received the M.S and Ph.D degrees form the University of Valenciennes (France) in 2000 and 2004, respectively. She is actually employed as researcher at IFSTTAR/ LEOST, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. Fouzia Boukour is author or coauthor of more than 50 research papers, including journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings. She participates at many national and European projects dedicated to transport applications. She serves also as a reviewer for several journals and international Conference. She is involved in signal processing especially Ultra wide band technology. Her major research interests are land transportation like Communication Vehicle to Vehicle and vehicle to XII Preface In this book, the chapters are organised in three main topic areas: Section 1: "Satellite Systems for Positioning" consists of chapters which cover whole satellite system (GPS, GNSS) and some applications using this system. It consists of three chapters. The first chapter is related to the satellite Localization system especially The GNSS system. In fact, the authors present some results in terms of precision related the application the GNSS receivers in agricultural applications. The second chapter presents new concepts to calculate the coordinates of GNSS stations, existing in some countries, in the international reference systems using information and applying a methodology of rigorous processing and adjusting. This technique has proved to be advantageous when the objective is to introduce the Reference System simultaneously with the precision and parameters estimation. The last chapter of this section deals with the use of GPS technology in the determination of the one-way speed of light.Section 2: "Wireless Sensor Network Localization Techniques", is dedicated to the Localization applications using the wireless sensor networks. The section consists of five chapters. The first chapters are related the applications of UWB Localization system especially applied to building construction environments and the transport applications. The third chapter is related to the capacitive transmit-mode measurement methods that can be used to passively track an individual indoors in three dimensions and nonintrusive. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the concepts for an indoor Localization system suitable for a Wireless Sensor Network in a GPS-denied scenario way. The last chapter is dedicated to the off-the-shelf positioning system using IEEE802.11 wireless local area network technology without any additional devices. Section 3: "Coupled GPS and other sensors", consists of three chapters. The first two chapters present some results for Inertial Navigation System/GPS association and some applications of this coupling. The last chapter discusses some interesting results concerning the development and implementation of a "System On Programmable Chip" SOPC based on portable positioning systems PPS, which is capable of handling the datafused positioning and can provide user a feasible way...