Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Radio Occultation (RO) is an atmospheric remote sensing method attracting extensive attention with increasing number of RO missions. Valuable atmospheric parameters can be detected using this technique, providing crucial additions to current weather and climate studies. GNSS RO data have been assimilated into various weather data and models. During a RO event, the GNSS signals grazing the Earth's atmosphere are delayed and bent before picked up by the GNSS receivers. The excess Doppler frequency information measured by the receivers contains the Earth's atmospheric effect and is used to invert to atmospheric parameters such as refractivity profiles. This thesis covers several aspects in GNSS RO study. The GNSS tracking algorithms are first described which lays the groundwork for GNSS RO. Then, we study the RO inversion algorithms using the tracked GNSS signals to obtain the atmospheric refractivity profiles, and the error characteristics of the orbital errors' effect on the retrieved refractivity errors. Finally, the GNSS RO's application is extended to planetary boundary layer height (PBLH) detection. The tracking algorithm in the thesis focuses on the open loop (OL) tracking algorithm which can track the GNSS signals to a lower altitude compared to the common closed loop (CL) algorithm. The OL algorithm is applied to the raw GPS data collected during a mountain-based RO (MRO) experiment. The RO inversion algorithms for both space-based and ground-based RO is described. For the space-