“…As a result, An Evolutionary Approach to Evaluate the Quality of Software [2] has been presented at IWACI 2011, where the truth is, in order to argue well on measuring defects as a reasonable solution, it is necessary to have a simple model of software maturity, which can illuminate the essential characters of software and expose the insights to the usefulness in software development methodologies. The paper Modeling Software Maturity: a Life Cycle Management Approach [3] is the result of this effort. Written as a conference submission, my focus of the paper has been to portray the main characters of software in each stages of its development parallel to a realistic life of human beings: "a life starts with conception, and it goes through the pregnancy, the birth, the nursing of a baby, kindergarten, the twelve grades, college or technical schooling, the entry to the workforce, the prime of being an expert in whatever field(s), and the re-education naturally as desirable or as needed; each individual is scientifically developed and matured to reach each one's expected longevity while everyone of us being useful and enjoying our lives [3]."…”