Abstract. In the past decades, data-driven Machine Learning (ML) models have emerged as promising tools for short-term streamflow forecasts. Among other qualities, the popularity of ML for such applications is due to the methods' competitive performance compared with alternative approaches, ease of application, and relative lack of strict distributional assumptions. Despite the encouraging results, most applications of ML for streamflow forecast have been limited to watersheds where rainfall is the major source of runoff. In this study, we evaluate the potential of Random Forest (RF), a popular ML method, to make streamflow forecast at 1-day lead time at 86 watersheds in the Pacific Northwest. These watersheds span climatic conditions and physiographic settings and exhibit varied contributions of rainfall and snowmelt to their streamflow. Watersheds are classified into three hydrologic regimes: rainfall-dominated, transisent, and snowmelt-dominated based on the timing of center of annual flow volume. RF performance is benchmarked against Naive and multiple linear regression (MLR) models, and evaluated using four metrics Coefficient of determination, Root mean squared error, Mean absolute error, and Kling-Gupta efficiency. Model evaluation metrics suggest RF performs better in snowmelt-driven watersheds. Largest improvement in forecasts, compared to benchmark models, are found among rainfall-driven watersheds. We obtain Kling–Gupta Efficiency (KGE) scores in the range of 0.62–0.99. RF performance deteriorates with increase in catchment slope and increase in soil sandiness. We note disagreement between two popular measures of RF variable importance and recommend jointly considering these measures with the physical processes under study. These and other results presented provide new insights for effective application of RF-based streamflow forecasting.