Soil ChemistryH umic substances (HS) are the major source of C in soils (Stevenson, 1994). Th ey are formed during the decomposition of plant and animal residues by chemical reactions (Sparks, 1995) and are resistant to microbial degradation (Lovley et al., 1996). Th e chemical nature and structural features of HS, however, are under continuous debate. Both the heterogeneity of the fresh organic residues and the possible existence of diff erent degradation-humifi cation pathways involve the presence in HS of diverse functional and structural compositions, although they normally present common qualitative patterns (Schnitzer, 1991;Stevenson, 1994). As a consequence of this complexity, the HS classifi cation is ordinarily operational, and it is principally based on their solubility at diff erent pH values and ionic strengths (I). According to this classical classifi cation, HS in solution can be subdivided into the following molecular fractions: GHA, which is the molecular fraction insoluble at acid pH and soluble at alkaline pH but insoluble at neutral pH and high I; BHA, which is the molecular fraction insoluble at acid pH but soluble at alkaline pH and also at high I; and fi nally, FA, which is the molecular fraction soluble at acid pH and at both low and high I (Baigorri et al., 2007).An adequate knowledge of the chemical and structural features that characterize the main fractions of humic substances in solution is of great interest to better understand a number of processes occurring in nature. Qualitative analysis of the spectra derived from diverse analytical techniques is frequently complicated, however, partially due to the quantity and complexity of the data. In this context, multivariate statistical analysis has proven to be a useful tool to integrate and interpret all this information. In this study, we applied Pareto analysis to the spectrum data derived from the application of diverse analytical techniques to several samples of humic substances. Th e humic substances considered in the study belong to the following groups: gray humic acid (GHA), brown humic acid (BHA), and fulvic acid (FA). Th e analytical techniques applied were ultraviolet-visible light, synchronous fl uorescence, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies, 13 C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, and pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Th e results show the effi ciency of Pareto analysis at discriminating between the diff erent groups of humic substances. Th is discrimination corresponded to specifi c spectral regions for each group, which corresponded to singular structural features. Th us, GHA presented a marked aliphatic character and low functionality. Th e BHA group presented high structural homogeneity characterized by a high aromatic character, including signifi cant ring condensation and complexity, and signifi cant functionality. Th e FA group was very disperse, with high diversity in functional arrangements of simpler organic molecules, low condensed aromatic rings, and a very high concentration of O-c...