This study was conducted to develop strategies for creating an error reporting culture and to assess their effectiveness.
This study was planned to explore how to improve patient safety. The study used a quasi-experimental 1-group pre-post design. It examined the culture of reporting through an analysis of employees' attitudes toward medical errors, along with rates of medical error reporting.
Four different forms were used as data collection tools. The multiple strategies used in this study constituted the research interventions. These strategies were as follows: “Education on Medical Errors and Medical Error Reporting,” “Posting Banners and Posters about the Subject,” “Using Social Networks and Creating a Facebook Page Titled ‘Leaders of Patient Safety’,” “Revising the Institution's Incident/Error Reporting System,” and “Patient Safety Symposium.” Data were evaluated using descriptive statistics and paired sample t test.
It was determined that medical error reporting rates increased in the first 6 months after the initiative, and this increase continued in the second 6 months. Medical error reports in the institution where this study was conducted increased by 10 times at the end of the first year.
Multiple strategies applied for creating an error reporting culture and assessing their effectiveness positively affected health professionals' medical error attitudes and increased error reporting rates.