This work reviews several typical intelligent well systems (IWS) completed, including a gas producer, oil producer, auto-gas lift oil producer, multilateral IWS producer, and horizontal openhole multi-isolation producer. For each case, the wellbore modeling, completion design, choking operation strategies, and estimated performance will be introduced.Case histories based on the analysis of the well modeling results at the design stage of the IWS completion, including well performance along with real-time data, will demonstrate:• Was value realized by using an IWS? • How did the IWS completion, downhole choking, and monitoring contribute to adding value in accelerating hydrocarbon production, managing production allocations, delaying or minimizing water production, increasing recovery, and decreasing CAPEX or intervention costs?In conclusion, this paper will show how modeling technologies were developed to derive the IWS well and equipment design such as tool selection, customized choking positions, erosion protection, and tubing movement estimation. It will cover lessons learned through our experience in intelligent well systems, including flow modeling, erosion analysis, tool selection, and crossover control, and how we expect the future movement of this technology. to evolve.
SPE 124916This paper will review several installations of various applications with intent to address these issues. First, defining the requirements of the well and the purpose within the field, an analysis of how much of the expectations was met with discussion on future usage of intelligent well technology.
IWS Experiences and Value RealizationThe benefits of installing IWSs have been described by many authors 1-4 . In summary, those benefits can be attribubed to two main categories: for the purpose of reservoir management, including accelerate hydrocarbon production, improved reservoir knowledge, and flexible control production and drawdown to increase ultimate recovery; and for the purpose of decreasing OPEX or CAPEX cost, where decreasing intervention cost is one of the typical applications especially in offshore operation. The following paragaphs give the descriptions of those benefits, based on our IWS case histories, available production and well test data, operator feedback, and theoretical modeling analyses at pre-completion design or post-completion stages.A large percent of the planned IWS completions are used to control a well that penetrates multiple production zones with commingled production. Obviously, accelerate production, produce marginal reserves, improve reservoir knowledge, and increase recovery are the main drivers for these IWS applications.
Two-Zone IWS Gas Producer and Planning of Completion -Manage commingled production, adding flexibility in reservoir managementCompletion description. Fig. 1 illustrates a schematic of one completed two-zone IWS well with a dual flow path frac-pack system. Two downhole control valves are installed. The lower downhole control valve is shrouded and connects to a small outer-diamet...