Mathematical models have the capability to incorporate statistical data so that infectious diseases can be studied in-depth. In this article, we use mathematical modeling to study malaria through a combination of the Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious and Recovered (SEIR) Model for humans; Susceptible, Exposed and Infectious (SEI) Model for mosquitos; and the Four Stage Life Cycle Model of the mosquito. Due to the fact that malaria is spread to humans through the bite of a female mosquito that has been infected by the plasmodium parasite, the impacts of mosquitos are also studied in this paper using the SEI Model. Finally, the growth of the mosquito population is directly related to the spread of malaria, the Four Stage Life Cycle is incorporated to model the effects of climate change and interspecies competition within the mosquito life cycle stages of Egg, Larvae, and Pupae. The combination of these models are used to show the growth and spread of malaria.