The intense radiation emitted by luminous quasars dramatically alters the ionization state of their surrounding IGM. This so-called proximity effect extends out to tens of Mpc, and manifests as large coherent regions of enhanced Lyman-α (Lyα) forest transmission in absorption spectra of background sightlines. Here we present a novel method based on Lyα forest tomography, which is capable of mapping these quasar 'light echoes' in three dimensions. Using a dense grid (10-100) of faint (m r ≈ 24.7 mag) background galaxies as absorption probes, one can measure the ionization state of the IGM in the vicinity of a foreground quasar, yielding detailed information about the quasar's radiative history and emission geometry. An end-to-end analysis -combining cosmological hydrodynamical simulations post-processed with a quasar emission model, realistic estimates of galaxy number densities, and instrument + telescope throughput -is conducted to explore the feasibility of detecting quasar light echoes. We present a new fully Bayesian statistical method that allows one to reconstruct quasar light echoes from thousands of individual low S/N transmission measurements. Armed with this machinery, we undertake an exhaustive parameter study and show that light echoes can be convincingly detected for luminous (M 1450 < −27.5 mag corresponding to m 1450 < 18.4 mag at z 3.6) quasars at redshifts 3 < z QSO < 5, and that a relative precision better than 20 % on the quasar age can be achieved for individual objects, for the expected range of ages between 1 Myr and 100 Myr. The observational requirements are relatively modest -moderate resolution (R 750) multi object spectroscopy at low S/N > 5 is sufficient, requiring three hour integrations using existing instruments on 8m class telescopes.