Closely structurally related triplet and quintet iron-(IV) oxoc omplexes with at etradentate aminopyridine ligand were generated in the gas phase,s pectroscopically characterized, and their reactivities in hydrogen-transfer and oxygentransfer reactions were compared. The spin states were unambiguously assigned based on helium tagging infrared photodissociation (IRPD) spectra of the mass-selected iron complexes.I ti ss hown that the stretching vibrations of the nitrate counterion can be used as as pectral marker of the central iron spin state.The search for reagents capable of selectively oxidizing an alkane C À Hbond, and characterization of their chemistry are actively pursued and challenging goals in modern synthesis.O ne of the most promising approaches is based on hypervalent transitionmetal oxo complexes. [1,2] An important advantage of using transition metals and their oxo complexes is the potential they offer to explore multistate reactivity. [3][4][5][6] Metal oxo complexes with ah ighspin ground state are usually considered to be more reactive, [7][8][9][10] but also low-spin highly reactive complexes were reported.[11]Direct comparison of the reactivities of high-spin and low-spin complexes has not been reported so far because only one type of the given complex, the more stable one,i su sually prepared. [7] Theg enuine reactivity of clearly defined complexes can be directly compared in the gas phase [12][13][14][15][16] and it can enlighten the role of spin in the reactivity of metal oxo complexes.Itis necessary,however, to develop amethod for characterization of the spin-states of such mass-selected complexes in the gas phase.Herein, we present aspectroscopic characterization of iron(IV) oxo complexes with at etradentate ligand denoted as PyTACN( PyTACN = 1-[2'-(pyridyl)methyl]-4,7-dimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane,S cheme 1) in the triplet (S = 1) as well as the quintet (S = 2) state.Ther eactive ions were formed in acetonitrile solution from their iron(II) precursor [(PyTACN)Fe(OTf) 2 ]byoxidation with peracetic acid. Mçssbauer spectroscopy has demonstrated that this reaction sequence leads to the generation of triplet state iron(IV) complexes (S = 1).[17] Using electrospray ionization (ESI) we were able to transfer the [(PyTACN)Fe(O)(OTf)] + ions to the gas phase and on addition of HNO 3 ,t he [(PyTACN)Fe(O)(NO 3 )] + ions (m/ z 382) were also detected ( Figure S5 in the Supporting Information). Alternatively,i nt he gas phase,h ypervalent metal oxo complexes can be generated by radical cleavage of the nitrate counterions (i.e.M-ONO 2 fragments to M-OC and NO 2 C).[