The fields of East Kalimantan, Indonesia contain several depleted gas zones of medium permeability (0.1 to 300 mD). Though the permeability is quite good for gas bearing formations, the majority of the wells targeting these sands have failed to produce at expected rates. In the 1980s, hydraulic fracturing was introduced to the area in an attempt to increase production. The treatments yielded limited success with many wells actually producing less after being fractured. This led operators in the area to believe that the formations could be water sensitive with damage from the injected fluids causing the poor results after fracturing. As laboratory testing has ruled out water-sensitive mineralogy, the suspected cause of damage has been attributed to a decrease in relative permeability to gas after the fracturing fluid has penetrated the pore throats (water block). The water block conclusion is supported by the low percentage of injected fluids that are returned after the treatment.In 2007, VICO performed four fracturing treatments using a conventional surfactant to aid in post-frac cleanup. Only 2 of the 4 wells that were fractured produced after the treatment. Again, a common problem between the wells was the poor return of treatment fluids during cleanout. The limited success of these treatments indicated the water block issue had not been resolved. After reviewing the results of the first four wells, three additional fracturing treatments were placed in similar reservoirs using a microemulsion additive instead of the surfactant. Though laboratory testing in cores between 1 and 8.5mD failed to show a significant difference between the microemulsion and surfactant, the wells fractured with the microemulsion additive consistently outperformed those fractured previously in terms of returned treatment fluids and incremental production. Paktinat et al. (2006) wrote that the use of fracturing fluids with microemulsion in unconventional tight gas reservoirs can help increase production by increasing the relative permeability to gas in the area surrounding the fracture. Our study shows that similar benefits can also be achieved in depleted gas reservoirs with permeabilities greater than 1 mD, even if the benefits can not be clearly demonstrated under laboratory conditions.