Information Systems (IS) have become key elements in enterprise activities and are now fully embedded into business units. Productivity gained by this proximity is to be balanced with more strategic requirements against the Information System. In particular, due to the proximity to business layers, adaptability property of IS is more than ever required. The framework we have developed aims to keep synchronized multiple descriptions of the same system in case of evolution. Its foundations are based on RM-ODP viewpoints and meta-modelling technology. A prototype tool to support the framework has been developed as an EMF/Eclipse plug-in. 2.1 RM-ODP Viewpoints First of all, our framework is based on RM-ODP. This standard recommends the separation of stakeholders concerns using five viewpoints: Enterprise, Information, Computation, Engineering and Technology. Identifying those viewpoints allows the system specification to express at the same time but distinctly the business the IS supports (Enterprise Viewpoint), the way it is modelled in the computer system regarding information and functions