Ørsted total intensity data were analysed over the southern African region between 10° South and 45° South in latitude and between 10° East and 45° East in longitude, measured between May 1999 and October 1999. The satellite magnetic field measurements were selected corresponding to magnetic quiet conditions during local day and night times before carrying out an analysis of external fields by subdividing the data into Dst bins 5 nT wide, centred at multiples of 5 nT. The technique of Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis (SCHA) was then applied to each of these Dst data bins to obtain external field coefficients, after removing the core field by means of the IGRF model. Combining all data sets after removing main ‐ and external fields, enabled the compilation of a total intensity crustal anomaly map over southern Africa at an average satellite altitude of 800 km. The Walvis Ridge and Agulhas anomalies are understood to represent thickened remanently magnetised ocean crust. The Agulhas anomaly however, represents the remnant scar of the process that led to the Gondwana fragmentation.